Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Princess you are lucky to be surrounded by very loving and doting people. people always like you and compliment you. here is a list of compliments which are commonly everyone gives you under different situations by different people. 

1. confident
2. smart
3. independant 
4. chirpy
5. Happy go lucky 

you make me very proud princess
may god bless you and shine like this always 

Saturday, August 18, 2012


मुझे हमेशा लगता था की तुम अपनी चीज़ें किसी को देना पसंद नहीं करती हो. लेकिन तुम में कुछ बदलाव आने लगा है.

हम अपने नए  घर में आ गए  और वहां तुम्हारा अपना एक कमरा है जिसमे तुम्हारे खिलोने हैं और सिर्फ तुम्हारा ही सामन है।
पहले ही दिन कुछ मेहमान आये उनमे से दो तुम्हारे हम उम्र थे. तुम उनसे पहली बार मिले थे। तुमने सब को अपने कमरे में बुलाया और अपना सब कुछ उनके साथ मिल कर खेला।

ये देख कर मुझे याद आया
कोई कमज़ोर किसी पहलवान से ये नहीं कह सकता की उसने पहलवान को माफ़ किया , उसके लिए कमज़ोर को पहले पहलवान बनना पड़ेगा।

कोई किसी  को  तभी कुछ दे सकता है जब उसके पास अपना कुछ हो।

Friday, July 27, 2012


Cuckoo bird Cuckoo bird,
Please come please come
I want to hear a song , please sing some.
Oh! what a fun
To sing in hot- hot sun

Peacock Peacock
Please come please come
I want to see a dance, please do some.
Oh! What a gain
To dance in  rain

Teddy Bear Teddy Bear
Please come Please come
I want to sleep, please cuddle me some
Oh! its fun in winters
To sleep in sweaters

Doggy Dear Doggy Dear
Please come, Please come
I  want to play, please play some
Oh! Playing is great
When I have a mate

Pussy cat Pussy Cat
Please come Please come
I want to share my milk, please have some
Oh! How nice it is to share
When I have something to spare.

I wrote this for Rimjhim didi's summer vacation homework. I promised myself that I will never do this for you. 
I can help you in your homework but will never do that for you, so that you don't take 30 years to realize that you can write.

Princess, pray to God that I stick to my resolve.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Vacation

Summer - Delhi summers at its worst.
Vacation : Mumma on a long leave of some 15 Days

That made out first summer vacation.

How did we spend our vacation?
To start with we slept together and you woke up with me everyday which was a rare thing in past one year.
We watched movies , went bowling and swimming , played games, shopped around and had loads of fun.

The most significant activities

1. First time Mumma taught you something creative. We did some paper cutting and pasting. You loved it thoroughly and for the first time I saw something holding your attention for such a long time.

2. Mumma spent a lot of time getting things ready for our new house and you helped Mumma selecting the colors of our wood work and giving me nice design ideas.

Here is to more vacations and togetherness!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Leading the way

You wanted to have a toy and though we got few very recently, I relented.
The condition was you will lead the way, and what a wonderful trip we had!
Princess leading the way and Mumma following...

We went to nearby market, you observed each shop trying to figure out which one can be a toy shop.
After scanning some twenty shops and coming far away (1km) from home, Mumma cautioned that we are loosing way to home and Mumma is also not carrying phone to ask directions from kaku. Your confidence in your direction sense didn't let you pay any heed to this caution. We went little further and you realized may be the toy shops are closed, you settled for a small hajmola pack.

We then decided to go back home and Mumma  was to follow. To my delightful surprise, you really led the way to home without even once being confused, all turns and crossings were correctly recognized without floundering.

This is put on records that at 3 years 7 months you had such a great sense of direction.

So Princess, please keep leading happiness, joy and peace:)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Story time

Lately you have been fighting with Darsh a lot and I wanted to tell you the importance of staying together. so I narrated this story.

एक  था आरुष दादा , एक  थी गीत  और एक  था दर्श . एक  बार तीन  कहीं घूमने गए। रस्ते में उन्हें एक  जंगल  मिला . तीनो डर  गए . आरुष  दादा ने बोला की अगर हम  तीनो साथ  में  रहएंगे तो ठीक  रहेगा.  कोई मुसीबत आने पे हम  एक दुसरे की मदद कर सकते हैं .  तीनो साथ  में जंगले पार करने लगे. तभी एक मोटा सा सआंप आया , उसका मन  ललचाया की वो इन  तीनो बच्चों को खा जाये. लेकिन  उसने देखा की तीनो एक साथ हैं , हाथ भी पकड़ा है तो वो डर गया और वहां से चला गया। 

थोडा आगे जाने के बाद गीत  को एक  अच्छी चीज  मिली, उसने उठा ली और अपने पास  रख ली। दर्श  ने ये देखा और उसने भी वो चीज़  गीत  से लेनी चाही . गीत को गुस्सा आया और उन  दोनों की लड़ाई हो गयी। आरुष दादा ने ये देखा तो रोकने की कोशिश  करी, दर्श  और गीत  उससे भी लड़ने लगे. 
तभी वहां से एक भालू निकला उसने देखा सब लोग लड़ाई कर रहे हैं और अलग अलग हैं इसलिए  वो धीरे से आया और दर्श  को ले गया और  दर्श  को खा गया . थोड़ी देर  के बाद गीत  को भी खा गया ये देख  कर आरुष  दादा डर  गया और भागने लगा. भागते भागते  एक  मंदिर  मिला, वो जल्दी से  मंदिर   के अंदर गया और दरवाजा बंद कर   लिया. उसने भगवान्  से प्रार्थना की गीत और दर्श  को वापिस  लाने के लिए . भगवान् ने  कहा वो दोनों अपनी  गलती की  सजा पा रहे हैं मै उन्हें वापिस नहीं ला सकता . आरुष दादा ने भगवन से बोला की अब  हम लोग कभी भी नहीं लड़ेंगे. आप  हमारी हेल्प कर दो। भगवान् को उस पैर दया आ  गयी और भगवान् ने भालू के पेट से निकाल  कर गीत  और दर्श  को जिन्दा कर   दिया.  तीनो ने फिर कब्भी न लड़ने का वादा किया .

The very fact that I made up the story while narrating it and I did that in Marathi made me aware of my creative abilities.

Princess, you really bring out the best in me. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day

It was the first Mother's day I ever celebrated.

To start with, we were together every minute of the day.

First time I did few exercises of an activity book with you and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Had so much fun playing hide and seek in hotel lobby.
Indulged ourselves with lunch @ hotel only.

Sang a lot of rhymes and danced on old songs like aaj, kal tere mere pyar ke charche and o haseena julfoon wali.

Slept while you played blocks without disturbing me and smiled when you finally slept with your head on my shoulder trying to tickle me.

You made me feel very special by denying to share me with anyone. Not even with Arush dada, though you enjoy with him very much.

Thank you Princess!
I am enjoying every bit of motherhood because of you.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mummy and Princess Day out

Reunion with Mumma after a long 12 days resulted in Mumma singing "gali mein aaj chand niklaa" and the party began.

Saturday evening we came back to Mumma's hotel. You were very smart to acknowledge that the place was new and nearer to Kaku's home. You liked the hotel since the room is bigger.

I was happy to see that you liked all the shopping I did for you. You especially loved the teddy bear sleeping suit.

Sunday started on a very happy note, with both of us giggling over small things like teeth brush.
We had nice laid back , lavish breakfast of favourite doughnut and idli.

After that we played on pool side, you had fun playing on the side of pool.

After that we went out for shopping for Aarush dada's birthday. We bought a Ben10 watch for dada. You asked for a barbie doll watch but when I told you it is for the birthday boy you nicely accepted that. we bought a new set of blocks for you and new swimming costume. Lunch was at Mac D with Icecream. You had running nose when we came back. I got scolded by you : " Kasala Icecream dili mala, mala ? " Why did you give me icecream?' :):)

Evening we had a blast in swimming pool, had dinner at an Udipi restaurant and slept while playing with new blocks.

Princess, these lovely days spent with you are like oasis which are keeping me going and giving me strength to finish this difficult journey.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


First time in my life when I rhymed words , it was for you Princess.
I am glad now you love to sing this along with me.

दो छोटे दतो,
एक गोल मुइया,
गोरी गोरी बहियाँ,
छोटे छोटे पैयां,
ये है मेरी गुडिया 
ये है मेरी गुडिया  

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Missing You

Dear Princess,

Since past six months I am planning to do some roadside shopping in Mumbai.
Only day I get time is Sunday, which I like to spend with you. So, when it was decided that you will go
to Tirupati with Papa and I can't make it to the trip because of office trip, I thought finally I will get to finish shopping.

Now that you are gone and I am free, I am just not in a mood to shop or roam around.
Missing you so much that everything seems worthless.

तुम मुझसे दूर कैसी है मैं तुझसे दूर कैसे हूँ
ये तेरा दिल समझता है या मेरा दिल समझता है

Missing  you loads Princess.
Come back soon.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I am J

The First word you said was "Aai" (mom in marathi) but that was not for me, it was for your grandma.
I didn't feel jealous.

The First one you always hug when both of us are around is your Dad, I never felt jealous for that.

You are always busy playing with Aarush dada whenever I call, I am never jealous for that.

You always take my name the last whenever you are being asked about family members. I am never jealous for that.

This is the first time I felt J very very J when you went to show your wounds to someone else. When you wanted to share your temper with someone else other than me.

I will always be around Princess whenever you need me. I Promise!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our Learnings

Princess, I don't wish to put you under pressure for becoming an engineer, doctor, painter, busines tycoon or anything.
I also don't wish that you grow up confrming to any norms and unnecessary laws established by society.

All I wish Princess, is that you grow up be a thoughtful, compassionate and honest human being. I wish that you should be more sensitive towards others.

Today, I have hit you hard and am very guilty for doing so but I just couldn't accept the insensitivity to you had shown to Darsh. You hit him and then pushed him very hard. Everyone was scared that he could have got hurt very badly.

Both of us need to learn this Princess. Being sensitive and compassionate is essential for living a peaceful life.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Gender Stereotyping

Papa is visting Princess in Mumbai and as usual everyone else ceases to exist for daddy's daughter.

Everything is for Papa, by Papa, from Papa.
So, while going out, Mumma is holding the car keys because mostly mumma drives when papa is not there.

Princess takes the keys away from mumma and says
"Papa, tumi chalo gadi, boys na pun gadi chalwaychi asti aahey"

(Papa you drive, Boys should also drive the car )

Ain't times changing for good :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'll be all right

I'll be all right

तू है तो टेढ़ी मेढ़ी राहें
उलटी पुलटी बातें
सीधी लगती हैं

तू है तो झूठे मूठे वादें
दुश्मन के इरादे
सचे लगते हैं

जो दिल में तारे वारे दे जगा
वोह तू ही है तू ही है
जो रोते रोते दे हँसा
तू ही है वोही

जाने क्यों  दिल जानता है
तू है तो I'll be all right

सारी दुनिया एक तरफ है
एक तरफ है हम
हर ख़ुशी तो दूर भागे
मिल रहे  है गम

But when u smile for me
World seems all right

ये मेरी ज़िन्दगी पल में खिल जाये
जाने ज्यों दिल जानता है

तू है तो I'll be all right

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mujhe Pyaar karo

Mumma is very nasty at times. Just to take rest herself sometimes she will force the princess to sleep by 12:30 am in the night. Of course, that is unacceptable Princess sleeping time especially when mumma is around is after 1 am.
So, this nasty mumma tries to make princess sleep by holding her tight in her arms and pinnig her down.
Her majesty responds to the situation.

Princess : Aisa kyon kar rahey ho??

Mumma : to kaisa karoon ?

Princess : Pyaar karo..

Mumma is speechless and learnt the lesson...

Pyar se sab kuch possible hai..

Monday, February 20, 2012

The First Stage Performance

Annual Day Function of Kidzee School.
Theme of the day : Aamchi Mumbai
Item : Khushiyon ka Tyohar
Song : Dholi taro Dhol baje ..

You had practised well and I saw you dancing at home.
you were preety mesmerized by the grandeur of the stage and took some time to respond.
Towards the middle of the performance you spotted me in audience clicking photographs and than you started enjoying full swing..

Highlight of the day

One, you didn't cry while leaving to go to green room
Two, the kid next to you was crying and howling and you paid attention to that, though you didn't try to appease him but you definetly were not oblivious.

May god help you preserve this compassion life long.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Stage Fear

From whatever I remember of my childhood, I never had stage fear.
and even my parents agree to that..

Tomorrow is your first stage performacce princess and I am all jitters....

Being a mom has changed me a lot..

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Outdoors

Keeping up with the resolutions of New Year, we did a lot of out door stuff..

Juhu Beach
Talab Pani
Vashi Mini Shore
Haji Ali
Movie and
Numerous visits to Central Park.

Photos to follow.

I am so happy Princess that you haven't taken on the habit of TV as yet.
Touch wood!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Negative Motivation

I couldn't meet you for consecutive four days including a weekend.
I tried talking on sunday and you were not interested.
Monday when I called and asked " Were you missing me" the answer was

" मुझे तुम्हारी याद नहीं आ रही है , तुम मत आओ"

It hurts!!

How do you know negative motivation works best with me?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Feel Good .....

Nothing can beat the feeling of elation which I get when you tell me a bed time story and we sleep with you on my stomach..

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Incidence Narration

Mumma हातात कस लागला
गीत : कात्री लागली
Mumma : मी तुला सांगितले होते न, कात्री खेळणी नाय आहेय
गीत : मी कात्री खेळत न होते. तुझी ओढणी माझे कानात अडकली होती, अजी कात्री घीयून ते काप्यला आली आणि मी पण काढत होते मघ मला लागला.

English Narrative
You were hurt on the fingure by scissors and you told me how it happenned. You narrated the incident non stop very clearly.

This is a first.
I am very happy because a lot of time I wish to know what all happens when I am not around.
Now, I have confidence that you can now tell me things. :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year Resolutions

My New Year Resolutions have few which are exclusively for you.

  1. Spend more time with you.
  2. Be more patient with you.
  3. Take you outdoors more often
  4. Speak in same language which means I will speak marathi more often and will teach you to speak in English.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year Celebrations

This time the new year celebrations started very early starting from 30th Dec only.

30th Dec, we went and had fun at Juhu Beach. playing in the sand, the giant wheel, the monkey show and all that water.. you had a ball.

31st Dec we went to Talavpani @ Thane, had chariot ride and boating

Pictures on Picasa...

High point for Mumma.. After Juhu beach when we came back home you loved so much, kissed me 100 times, said thank you, sorry for standing in the car, numerous  I love yous... later you hugged me and slept on my hand..
Mumma also enjoys a lot Princess whenever we are together..