Friday, June 8, 2012

Leading the way

You wanted to have a toy and though we got few very recently, I relented.
The condition was you will lead the way, and what a wonderful trip we had!
Princess leading the way and Mumma following...

We went to nearby market, you observed each shop trying to figure out which one can be a toy shop.
After scanning some twenty shops and coming far away (1km) from home, Mumma cautioned that we are loosing way to home and Mumma is also not carrying phone to ask directions from kaku. Your confidence in your direction sense didn't let you pay any heed to this caution. We went little further and you realized may be the toy shops are closed, you settled for a small hajmola pack.

We then decided to go back home and Mumma  was to follow. To my delightful surprise, you really led the way to home without even once being confused, all turns and crossings were correctly recognized without floundering.

This is put on records that at 3 years 7 months you had such a great sense of direction.

So Princess, please keep leading happiness, joy and peace:)

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